Antipasto Grazing Box


The perfect gift or treat for any occasion! When you order through The Creative Edit you taste the difference when it comes to our quality produce.

Enjoy a perfect selection of all the most popular antipasto ingredients including our signature triple cream Brie. Available in 3 sizes, our premium grazing boxes include a selection of top-notch artisan cheeses and only but the finest cured meats including Proscuitto San Daniele... you can always expect a generous portion from us.

All boxes include a variety of seasonal accompaniments including crackers, quince paste, seasonal fruit, walnuts and pickles to name a few.

Size details include:

  • Bambini (2-3 guests): 255 x 155mm ($65)
  • Mezzo (3-5 guests): 360 x 255mm ($105)
  • Grande (6-9 guests): 560 x 255mm ($170)

Vegetarian, gluten free & nut free options available upon request.